Being and looking attractive is not only due to hairstyle or makeup it all boils down to our looks , health condition and sterilization and to achieve a perfect look, taking good care of our body is the start because if any of these factors are neglected then the outcome would be pretty dicey. Here are several suggestions and must know that would help you in achieving the perfect trim appearance.
Here are 10 rules on how to be a poise lady:
Healthy Skin, Healthy Hair, Clean Makeup And Perfect Dress Sense
#1 Lets start off with how we appear to other people
Are you always in a mood? what sort of mood? is it good or bad? well one thing you should know is that our mood is really important because nothing repels faster than the appearance of a frowning person in a really bad mood, so try hard to keep your mood light and happy.
#2. Next is a tidy and clean hair
The hair is the crown of a lady and it should be pampered and maintained properly. Our hair is supposed to be cared for to avoid dandruff, lice and all sorts. Also if we don’t keep our hair in the proper order it can become really embarrassing. So make sure to maintain a healthy hair as the hair is your precious adornment.
#3. One important way a lady shows she’s poise is her gait
Women are to maintain a graceful gait. The weapon of a beautiful woman is her light weight gait, Make sure to never walk with heavy steps, walk with your head raised up and step as if you are floating in the air and don’t over play your hip movement.
#4.Trim Eyebrows
Now we all have to admit that our eyebrow is very important because it determines how we would look, a bushy and untrimmed eyebrow gives a dirty appearance. Our eyebrows adorns our eyes therefore we should try to maintain their natural form but in a trimmed manner and when we are highlighting them, go for a shade darker than the hair color on our brow.
#5. Another important part we must maintain are our feet
We must make sure that our feet are well pedicured, we must take time out each day to get the dirt in our toenails. Asides from our toenails our heel is also important as they require regular scrubbing to avoid cracks . Make sure to use nourishing oils on the heels so they they can be smooth.
#6. Maintaining a good skin is of utmost priority.
Get good skin products including facial cleansers and moisturizers that would help sustain a good skin. Make sure your skin is kept clean and healthy as the skin is the beauty of any human being.
#7. Maintain Delicate Hands.
Another trick for a poise woman is to maintain delicate hands as power lies in the softness and tenderness of a woman’s hands therefore strive to make sure your hands are always kept clean, smooth and soft. Try out good hand lotions that you can rub on a constant.
#8. Natural Makeup.
One thing to note is that constant heavy make-up can be harsh for the skin, try to avoid wearing make-up everyday, allow some time for your face to breath and if you must wear make-up then go light and make it look as natural as possible.
#9. Tasteful Dresser
One of the most important rule of being a lady is to dress with taste,the choice of clothes are very important, as a lady you have to figure out what works for you as the choice of clothes can play a bad joke on you. One important choice when it comes to clothing is to always wear clothes that you feel comfortable in because it certainly affects your overall look.
#10. Dental Care
Finally always have on a beautiful smile and in this case take regular visits to the dentist to make sure your teeth is healthy, brush at least twice a day.
Being a lady is not a days job here are 10 rules on how to be a poise lady, hope you learn one or two things from this rules
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