On international Women's Day, Angela Uyi, the founder of The Counsellor Organization and the convener of 11 days of National Peace and Unity made series of posts on her popular Facebook page..... The young social Justice activist says "We must eradicate the mindset that the potentials of women must be locked in the house and such must not be extended in building a better society for all. After #MeToo a woman can change the world".
While speaking on Women's activism, Angela Uyi states "I'm inspired seeing women around the world breaking every glass ceilings to be at the frontline of hard-core activism.
My love for Aisha Yesufu, Aishatu Alh Kabu Damboa, Oby Ezekwesili and others will never fade. I admire strong, defiant, resolute activist and incurably optimist. I give it you and the others."
Read her full statement below...
Like we all know, activities have commenced to commemorate the International Women’s Day. The theme for this year is “ Press for progress”. This simply means what is the way forward. Women who have been through one trouble or the other should not give up but draw strength and inspiration from it. I will entreat survivors of Sexual abuse, and domestic violence to stand tall and break the silence of domestic violence, early child and forced marriage.

My words of encouragement to women, Girl child, minorities, and other disempowered groups when they are facing rejection because of the prevailing cultural norm.
We spent our time on the social media campaigning against domestic violence and violence against women; we have achieved so much online and we have done enough of talking the talk; it is time for us as women to now walk the talk. What have we done, or what are we doing to redress issues that have to do with the rights of women?. Are we keeping silent or breaking the silence?
We are living in an unjust society were women's rights are not well protected; should we just keep silent and expect things to fix itself while women are constantly humiliated?
To the women; You are not the weaker vessel just as the world has described you to be, you are one of the key instruments to peace and nation building. Let it be that you are among those who saw challenges and does something about it. You must have confidence in yourself, your chosen career and when you stay put, it means you are making progress. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it. Women all over the world are changing lives and you too can do it. Get out of your comfort zone, empower yourself and start changing your world.
No woman should see herself as a minor in the Society, even if you are not physically empowered, you can be respected when you have the courage to come out of your comfort zone. It is when a man sees you do not have something to do that he takes it upon himself to manipulate and marginalize you.
It breaks my heart when I hear men telling women that their place is in the house, taking care of their husbands and cleaning the kitchens. These women grew up with that consciousness and limits themselves to the kitchen; women, were created to do much more than being housewives and slaves.
Most Traditional customs have subjected women to hardship and enslavement which we must all demand for its abolition. Every woman must take bold steps in ensuring that she is well informed and equipped educationally and financially to be able to take up the slack in catering for her home in case of emergencies. If you do not have the capacity to go to school, then go for skills acquisition and learn a trade or two.
To the Girl Child; Every Girl child deserves a fair start in life though not every child has the opportunity to get a decent life but I would encourage a child not to give up. No matter the family background, you have a bright future don't let the negative things happening around you to determine what you become in life. You have the power to create and recreate your life. We will not relent until child and forced marriage is abolished and offenders are severely punished.
To the Minorities; The word minority doesn't exist in reality. It is just a word used by the political leadership to make the people feel less important when it is time to fulfill social and economic justice but very useful when they want to use them in gaining political power. Don't let the notion that you are one of the minorities bring down your self-esteem. You too can be great, do exploit and be more recognized than the so-called majority.
And to the disempowered, I would say everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish and what your potential is. (Quote by Anne frank). Dont be discouraged.
On this occasion, we shall not relent until gender parity is enthroned in our society.
Women must stand up for fellow women and demand for space for women in the Society strictly dominated by men while driving the narrative that will protect the rights of the women and the girl child in the country.
#MeToo Women's voice must be heard.
Happy international Women's Day.
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