Because Jennifer hadn’t breastfed for over 20 years, she had no milk to feed Brad with. The couple needed to induce lactation by dry-feeding and pumping her breasts every two hours, just as if she was feeding a baby.
“After three days my breasts were starting to feel sore, but I am willing to push through any pain for our end goal.”It’s been difficult to distinguish the difference between nurturing and sex. Although it’s so beautiful and peaceful it’s also erotic. It’s been hard to get through the first few nursing sessions without being tempted to have sex, but each time it’s getting easier.” She continued..
“I’m not opposed to telling people but I don’t think many others would understand. I don’t think my Mother would grasp the idea – but I wish I could tell the world. This is a lifestyle we have chosen. We look forward to years from now still needing and wanting each other. I can come home from a very stressful day and seconds after Brad latching on I feel a sense of peace and calm. For that time I feel like we become one. I have yet to feel anything more comforting. It’s a bond that no one can come between.”Source: Sun UK
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