#OCCUPYUNLTD: "Our Judiciary is a cesspool of Audacious Highest Bidding Criminality" -Retson A Tedheke

#OCCUPYUNLTD: "Our Judiciary is a cesspool of Audacious Highest Bidding Criminality" -Retson A Tedheke

This is not a joke. The battle is drawing closing and Nigerians are vexed and ready to reclaim Nigeria from political criminality in governa...
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#OCCUPYUNLTD; The Legislators Amendment of CCB/CCT Act is Audacious Criminality-Retson Tedheke

#OCCUPYUNLTD; The Legislators Amendment of CCB/CCT Act is Audacious Criminality-Retson Tedheke

The day is drawing closer and the heat is getting hotter. #OCCUPYUNLTD demands the collective participation of the Nigerian people in recla...
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