The Audacity to Overcome the Nigerian Political Demons is a lifelong objective of the Average Nigerian People and in continuation of our March to Freedom from Political Criminality and Mindless Impunity we present our Mandate and Demands. The movement for the Reoccupation of the National Assembly and the Realization of the Nigerian Dream has officially begun. The Process of Mobilization has been initiated. We have 36States and the FCT in the Federation and we are mobilizing a Minimum of 1,000 per State to demand the following as a Matter of National Urgency and a chance to rewrite the Nigeria History by our own hands: THE NIGERIA PEOPLE’S MANDATE AND DEMANDS ARE HEREBY OUTLINED BELOW.
OUR DEMANDS & OUR COMMITMENT TO THE NIGERIAN PEOPLE Nigerians, the continuing suffering of OUR People is fuelled by the tendency of the Politically Powerful Elites to exploit the power and the anger and frustration of the Powerless, which turns into violence most times. This Movement by Change Agents in Nigeria and Concerned Activists is attempting to confront the exploitation of Power, The Promotion of Corruption in Nigeria and to bring back hope to the Powerless. The Nigerian National Assembly represents the worst of the Nigerian Political Class and they must be challenged peacefully. We Present our demands.
1. We Demand the Total Transparency of NASS: Let the Legislators make their budget open. They should also join the Treasury Single Account (TSA). NASS should put an end to Unconstitutional Constituency Projects.
2. Financial Prudence and Anti-Corruption: We demand for the Death Penalty to the politically corrupt. No Fraudulent Salaries/Gratuities to NASS members. Legislative business should become a Part-Time job for efficiency and to save money.
3. We Demand a Legislative Bill for a Referendum to determine the Legislature for the operation of Unicameral Legislation in Nigeria. This demand will require that the current Nigerian National Assembly Structure be Amended.
4. We demand for Legislative Framework that includes the Payment of Civil Servants Salary as the first line charge for all civil servants at all levels of Government. Constitutional Amendment to grant financial autonomy for Local Governments. There should a constitutional amendment for Power Generation/Management to be included in the concurrent legislative list.
5. We are demanding the Constitutional Amendment for the removal of immunity for all Political officer Holders with regards Criminal Matters.
In concluding, we must know that this is our time and this is our opportunity. The Turkish People stood their ground and took back their democracy from the Tyranny of their Military. The Change we seek must begin from our hands. The future we desire must be taken peacefully or violently. Those who make peaceful change impossible makes violent change inevitable. This President is fighting for a country we can all be proud of. This is our time to walk the talk. There should be no fear, change demands Action and Action demands Effort. Be the Change. Arise, Oh Compatriots, Nigeria is Calling. at: http://www.occupy.org.ng/demands.html#sthash.hqFs8X5w.dpuf
call to join: Angela +2348082153046
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