LiveJournal Tags: Architect,dream big,design,Michelangelo,David,beliefs,law of belief,law of expectation,build,express,
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expectation,build,express,stachys Ross,dream list,not wish list,future,situation,limitations,ideal future,Michel,potentials,talents,innate,ransom,lazy,goal getter
Those who dream big dreams are those who are able to take control of their negative emotion. Whatever you dwells upon and talks about grows in your reality. Do not just keep your dreams in your thoughts take a pen and a paper write them down you activate the Law of expectation, attraction, and correspondent concurrently.
The Law of expectation states that whatever you anticipate, with assertion, becomes your own self-fulfilling prophecy. You are continuing telling your fortune when you talks about how you feel things will turn around for you in that particular area. It’s your expectation in life that determines your attitude, and your attitude cause people around you to behave toward you in a way that reflects what you are thinking inside you… Recently, I was having a conversation with a woman friend of mine. She is a woman of substance, a woman who had single handedly made it out of life through persistence hard work and dreaming big dreams. She is a high society woman yet very humble and respected in the society. We met sometimes at the airport and we exchanged contacts and we became friends. She told me about how she had suffered in life alone after she lost her parents at the age of 16yaers old. She told me that there are laws that govern everything in life and that same law reflects in our everyday life and that quite I believed too. I’m always attentive to her when she talks about life issues because I to learn from her experiences in life. She is my Mentor. She said in one of our conversation that many people of this age lacks vision, goals and priority. They do not know what to do with their time and they tend to waste it away doing the unnecessary things. They are too lazy to set high targets or dream big dreams. She said “when you dream lofty dreams, and as you dream so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of you shall at last unveil.” Your mind can only hold one thoughts at a time: negative or positive thoughts. What you feed your mind with matters a whole lot. Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Your thoughts are forces that control your destiny and the height you can attain in life. Having the right thought mostly positives thoughts will give you the energy of striving to achieve more in life. Your thoughts have the power to make you healthy or sick, rich or poor, popular or unpopular. Everyone wants to be wealthy. Everyone wants to be on the front page of every magazine. They want to be somebody people would want to reckon with. Firstly, to attain all this, you must have the ability to dream big dreams and have the right thought and the right attitude and be self-disciplined. Mrs. Michel words ‘’ I dreamt big dreams I wasn’t only dreaming I did my work, I solved all permutations, and laid my foundation with bricks those bricks where the one scorners and clowns thrown at me because they thought I were a nobody I gathered same bricks and built a mansion with them- now they are my tenants’’ Your mind is like a power force that can be turned into any decision to bring about wonderful results, or wreak havoc and destruction. Your main aim in life must be to tie together your amazing powers and direct them intelligently and systematically toward achieving everything you really want. To be successful you must be:
Let me start by telling you all a short story on how I visited Italy some years back. My girlfriend and I was supposed to be flying by 8am to Lagos but we missed our flight thinking it was for 9am that was in Abuja we meant an Italian families at the airport having same challenges with us as we sorted ours out by rescheduling for the next flight which were for we also rendered them assistance by making sure they get a flight back to Lagos that same day. We became friends though the couples could hardly construct simple English tenses at least it was fun all around. They were fun to be with. We were there at the airport for another 3hrs or more. We flown to Lagos together on arrival we exchanged contacts. That same night they were flying back to Italy. After some few months they invited us to Italy for sight-seeing. That was how I was able to visit some museum in Rome and Florence. In Florence, there is a special museum that was built to house the stature of David created by Michelangelo several hundred years ago. This is perhaps the most beautiful piece of sculpture in the world. It was an experience that I will never forget.
The story of the creation of David is very interesting and contains a lesson for all of us. Michelangelo was commissioned by the Medicis to create a statue for the main square in Florence. The Medicis were the wealthiest family and most powerful family of Italy at that time. A commission for the statue from the Medicis was not only a task that could not be refused for about two years Michelangelo searched for a block of stone out of which he could create the kind of stroke of genius the Medicis were looking for. Finally, on a side street of Florence, partially overgrown with weeds and covered with dirt he found a hug slab of marble lying on wooden trestles. It had been dragged down from the mountains years before and had never been used. What crosses my mind was that, that same road leading to this street had been walked passed many times by many even Michelangelo had walked passed this street many times before one day he stopped and looked more closely. As he walked back and forth studying the block f marble, he actually envisioned the statue of David and saw in it it’s exclusively. For you to be successful in life you must pay attention to everything that you passed by. Don’t get irritated by the look of things. Do not pass by them without having a positive thought of their usefulness. NEVER EVER GIVE UP
People who give up easily are people who do not believe in their dream and their ability to be successful in life. Michelangelo did not give up the dream of fulfilling the wish of the Medicis because he couldn’t get a perfect block of marble. He believed he could make David out of that marble so he quickly arranged to have workmen tow the block of marble to studio. It was some distance away thereafter, began the long hard work of hammering and chiseling. It took him two good years of hard work to create the rough outline of the statue. He later put his hammer and chisels aside and spends two more years polishing and sanding before the statue was complete. He was a famous sculptor, and the news that he was working on a major commission for the Medicis spread all over Italy. Good work advertises itself. You do not need to work strategies before people will know you. Just as the proverb goes “seeth a man diligent in his work, he shall stand among kings and prince and not ordinary men” – Holy Book. When the day came for its first public viewing, thousands of people came from all over Italy and gathered in the main square. When it was unveiled the crowd stood gaping in awe. It was astoundingly beautiful! People cheered. Women fainted. The audience was amazed at the incredible beauty of the enormous statue. Michelangelo was immediately recognized as greatest sculptor of his age. Michelangelo words were “I saw the David complete and perfect in the marble. All I did was to remove everything that was not the David.” For you to be successful you must first have the ability to see things beyond how they look. You must have that ability to picture thing; make the first step to remove the unnecessary. The distance to which you can see is what you can achieve. You cannot achieve beyond what you cannot see. So what you are seeing determines the level of the height you will reach in life- Stachys Ross You are a masterpiece. There are many similarities between yourself and the David you are a great masterpiece enclose in a marble as well. But the marble that envelops you and other people is the marble of small, limited thinking and excessive worry about the possibilities of loss or failure, rather than an excited anticipation of the rewards of success and achievement. In other to realize your innate potentials, you must have to break out of your comfort zone, break out of the shell you had built around yourself. Break out from self-limited thinking by dreaming big dreams and imagining unlimited possibilities. Don’t let negative beliefs to hold you at a ransom from becoming that great person you want to become and never forget that even after the David were released from the rock marble, it took the great Michelangelo two good years of sanding and polishing to turn it into a masterpiece, in that same manners you have to work on yourself. Yes I have a diploma some will say, go further add an additional certificate to that diploma, upgrade yourself. Do not wait for anybody to bring out the best in you only you can do it the best. Work on yourself, sanding, polishing, learning and practicing for days, weeks, months, even years; to develop and bring out the talents and abilities that lie deep inside you. YOU ARE THE ARCHETECT OF YOUR FUTURE
Do not wait for anyone to come and do that for you. The only person that is capable and equipped to design how you had vision your future to be is you. The greatest part of dreaming big dreams is for you to define ideal future vision. It is for you to think about what you want before you begin to think about what is possible for you. You are your thoughts. The Law of belief says: whatever you believe, with feelings becomes your reality. If you absolutely believe that you will have a great future and you will do remarkable things with your life that belief will express itself through all of your action and it will eventually become your reality. No one can think for you therefore no one will be able to design your ideal future. HOW TO DREAM BIG

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