So many questions lingered in my mind it’s the same questions our leaders are yet to answer, all of them are striving to attain the position of leadership without having the innate qualities of being agood leader. They have two sides on why they want to attain such positions they only show the sweet side of their intention to the people who took their sweet words and fables stories yet with stress and put them where they are today.
Leadership is the kind of thing that seems impossible to characterize. Whether you are born a leader or you develop the skills and abilities to become a good leader do it with a focus mind. Can the people who we look up to boldly define what it means to be a good leader? All they are interested on is the position power they just want to dominate. It’s a thing for one to have the position power and it’s also another to have the ascribe power of a good humble persona.

My question here is do they have the ‘Ascribed power’. Ascribed power is the power you gain because of the kind of person you are in everywhere you find yourself. They are people who are inordinately influential and looked up to by others. They know what it is to lead their followers they have the interest of the people at heart no matter their position in an organization people tend to welcome them because the qualities of leadership reflect in their outward lives.

You must be a change agent and a strategic planner. You must be willing to do away with so called mechanical way of thinking. Mechanical thinking is what keeps us from achieving great success in life. Most people unfortunately tend to think the same old way. Once we get rid of our limiting beliefs and overcome our mechanical thinking, success will be knocking at our doors. Those will are born leaders or who wants to acquire the skills of a leader must do away from the old way of thinking. It will put you behind emotional penitentiary that do not allow you the freedom to try something new. Have integrity, humility, vision, courage etc.

To be a great leader you must first believe in yourself. If you do not believe in you innate abilities no one will believe in you be a positive minded person
Esteeming yourself does not mean you are a proud person rather self-esteem and self-efficacy is flip side of the same coin of personality. You can genuinely like and respect yourself only when you know, deep inside your heart, that you are really good at what you do. Every little thing that you do in one excellent fashion boosts your esteem and makes you better about yourself.

Be courageous “There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and halt the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake.” Courage, confidence, Integrity, truthfulness, reliability goes a very long way. You must be courageous it help you face any limitations in life as you journey alone to your designed destination. The journey of life is very competitive so be ready to face it so you wouldn’t be left behind. There are others who are also striving hard to be at the top. That is to say there will be a whole lot of competition between you and some other people it is your vision that will make you see ahead of them. Your vision will direct you to the top. You must not limit your mind to this kind of mechanical thinking be an extrapolator!

“Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it, all others depend” Winston Churchill
An obstacle maybe either a stepping stone for your rising up or a stumbling block it is what you make out of it that determines the strides you will make.
Always plan ahead and do what you want to do and when you want to do it.
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About King Angela Uyi

I am Angela Uyi aka Mama Naija|Two time Social Media Personality Winner| A smooth talker| Humanitaria| Ghost Writer| CopyWriter |Twitter:@Angelauyi |
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