Premature ejaculation can get you down and ruin your sex life.
A male friend share his relationship challenges that he has never dated a lady for up to 2 months.
His reasons was not because he is not handsome and every woman’s dream but he has this problem with premature ejaculation and he do not last longer in bed. Learn to delay ejaculation and last longer in bed by trying these simple tips to delay and prolong ejaculation. This will enable you and your partner to enjoy a healthy sex life.
Kegel exercises - Kegel exercises can help you prolong ejaculation. Kegels are
those muscles that you use for controlling urination. So, flex these muscles about 30
times a day to delay ejaculation.
Squeeze technique - Prolong ejaculation and delay it by holding the tip of the head
of the penis. Squeezing the tip of the penis can help control premature ejaculation.
Testes - The scrotum rises as a man reaches orgasm and is on the verge of
ejaculation. So, delay ejaculation by pulling the scrotum away from the body.
Change focus - Rather than concentrating on ejaculation, concentrate on your partner's pleasure.
Combination of thrusts - Delay ejaculation or male orgasm by combining shallow
thrusts with deep thrusts. These techniques helps prolong ejaculation and will make you
last longer in bed.
Massage the prostate gland - When you practice delaying ejaculation, the prostate
gland turns sore. Hence it is important to massage the gland to prevent any kind of pain.
Perineum pressure - Delay ejaculation by applying pressure to the perineum, which
is the spot between the anus and scrotum. The prostate gland expands and contracts
while reaching orgasm or ejaculation. So, by applying pressure on this spot, one can
prolong ejaculation.
Pelvic muscles - Squeeze the pubococcygeous muscle to stop ejaculating. Contract
these muscles, which are used for controlling urine; doing so regularly helps you delay
Blueberries - This berry is known to delay ejaculation, as it relaxes the nerves in the
Woman-on-top - This sex position reduces your chances of premature ejaculation,
thereby helping you last longer in bed. Switch to the woman-on-top sex position to delay
Start and stop - When you have the urge to ejaculate, stop, pull out and then thrust
again. Also, the start and stop method helps a couple to last longer in bed and enjoy the
full sexual experience.
Masturbate - Masturbation can help you prolong sex, so delay ejaculation by
masturbating at least an hour before intercourse.
Control your orgasm - Without any lubrication masturbate to the point of climax
and stop. Do it a couple of times and then ejaculate; over a period of time you can
control ejaculation.
Before engaging in intercourse, engage in foreplay - ask your partner to gently massage
the penis along with lubrication. In time this method can help you prolong ejaculation.
Most men tend to be shy when it comes to such and some timid ladies wouldn’t help
them out.
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