Last week I telephoned the Gavincode /Sosofit records to permit me to grant a short interview for their artists who are making a big a wave in the music industry right now in Nigeria prove abortive. So I took it upon myself to visit them on last Sunday at their Lekki house luck shown on me I was able to meet KAY.Q the hip-hop ragga master for my effort not to be a wasteful one, I decided to run the interview with him.
But I told them that I needed the duo to make this article counts I really needed to speak with B Myne I was told he and the manager had traveled to South Africa for a quick meeting on their forth coming video.
I was disappointed anyway.
So they refused me to grant just Kay.Q the interview their reasons were B Myne would have to be around.
Who is this B Myne anyway? Some of you may want to ask.
Same question I would be asking them next time I'm privilege to meet them both.
Today was the day I was suppose to meet them and a friend called me this afternoon that she spotted Kay.Q, B Myne and the other members of GAVINCODE RECORDS/SOSOFIT RECORDS at the international Lagos airport.
"It not easy to be a celebrity oo'" was the first words that proceeded out of my mouth.
My story ends here. I will bring you more gist on 'WHO IS KAY.Q and B MYNE' hopefully this weekend.
Feel free to download their songs here

Follow me on twitter: @daintyangell
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