Hello ladies,
My personal awaken and how it can transform your relationship with your man.
Tips on how to let your man know how much you appreciate him
1) Greet him with enthusiasm. Light your face and his with a smile. Be glad to see him.
2) Build him up in front of others. Refuse to say anything negative
about him to anyone else. Look for opportunities to sing his praises to
his friends and relatives as well as yours.
3) Tell him the
things you admire and appreciate about him. Men love to hear how great
they are. This also serves as positive reinforcement which in turn will
promote an even better man.Point out how hardworking he is.
Thank him for being thoughtful and patient, and a good listener. You will be surprised at how much better he will become.
4) Be playful. Draw out his fun side. Once couples get established in
the relationship, they tend to forget how playful and goofy they can be.
Being playful will keep you young.
5) Ease up on the guilt
trips. Women typically hate to ask for the things they want or need.
Instead, they complain about what the man doesn't do. Men interpret this
as, "No matter what I do, it is never good enough." Don't make him feel
obligated through guilt provoking statements. Learn to make direct
requests such as, "Will you take out the trash?" instead of, "You never
take out the trash!"
6) Make a big to-do when he achieves something. Fix him his favorite meal or a special dessert.
7) Tell him how much you love him. Not with a card. Most men are not
into receiving cards. Tell him face to face. A sincere statement can
penetrate the toughest of hearts.
Thank him for providing for you and your family. I know he is supposed
to do this, but a wise woman will never take this for granted. Men
equate long hours of hard work to a show of love. Receive this with a
thank you.
9) Thank him for supporting your career pursuits. Behind every great man is a supportive woman. The reverse is also true.
To be continue.
About King Angela Uyi

I am Angela Uyi aka Mama Naija|Two time Social Media Personality Winner| A smooth talker| Humanitaria| Ghost Writer| CopyWriter |Twitter:@Angelauyi |
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